Sustainability Projects

Promoting ethical practices and giving back to society through sustainability projects.

a cup of tea on a plate on a table
a cup of tea on a plate on a table
Boosting Exports Initiative

Contribute to India's economy by expanding tea exports to key markets.

brown dried leaves on yellow surface
brown dried leaves on yellow surface
CSR Commitments

Dedicated to sustainability and making a positive impact on society.

a glass pitcher of tea sitting on top of a wooden table
a glass pitcher of tea sitting on top of a wooden table
a cup of coffee on a table
a cup of coffee on a table
Environmental Initiatives

Implementing eco-friendly practices to reduce carbon footprint and preserve nature.

Community Engagement Programs

Engaging with local communities to create a sustainable and inclusive future.

Contact Us Today for Exquisite Tea

Experience the finest blend of black tea with lemongrass, tulsi, ginger, and stevia sourced ethically from farmlands. Commitment to quality, sustainability, and CSR.


